Turkmenian kulan translocation project in Kazakhstan

Turkmenian kulan translocation project in Kazakhstan

Species name: TURKMENIAN KULAN Scientific name: Equus hemionus kulan Region: Central Asia Project website: www.nina.no   This subspecies of wild donkey once roamed freely through the Central Asian steppes. However, habitat loss and illegal hunting took their toll: the size and range of kulans declined dramatically in the second half of the 20th century, eventually


Scientific name: Equus hemionus kulan

Region: Central Asia
Project website: www.nina.no


This subspecies of wild donkey once roamed freely through the Central Asian steppes. However, habitat loss and illegal hunting took their toll: the size and range of kulans declined dramatically in the second half of the 20th century, eventually leading to an entry as a globally endangered species on the IUCN Red List in 2016.

Kazakhstan is now home to the largest population of this subspecies in the world. However, nearly 90% of the country’s total population (around 3,500 out of 4,000) lives in the Altyn Emel National Park.

Kułany zamieszkują dziś tylko ułamek ich pierwotnego obszaru występowania. fot. Petra Kaczensky