About Us



The Zoo Wrocław Dodo Foundation was established by Zoo Wrocław LLC on June 15, 2016.

Foundation board


President Marta Gondek
Member of the Board Lidia Przybylska
Member of the Board Paweł Sroka
Member of the Board Nikoletta Gulińska
Member of the Board Paweł Kurzydło

Foundation council


Chairman Radosław Ratajszczak
Member of the Council Rafał Guzowski
Member of the Council Tomasz Jóźwik

How do we operate?



Regular meetings held at the Wrocław Zoo, aimed at environmental education and popularization of nature conservation. We are witnessing the sixth largest extinction of animals in the history of the Earth. Extinction caused by another species: human. That is why it is so important to make as many people aware of the impact we have on the environment as possible and to instil in each of them the need to protect nature.


We are raising funds for animal rescue and nature conservation projects around the world. The accounts of our fundraisers can be found here: Collections


www.wildrun.eu – is the first and only charity in Poland, the route of which runs next to giraffes, lions, elephants or tigers, that is through the zoo. The distance of the main run is 10 km, there are also shorter runs for children. In 2017 we had 700 runners and about 18,000 PLN  were collected and donated to save fennec foxes, penguins, manatees and ring-tailed lemurs. In 2018 there were 900 participants, and we collected 35,000 PLN and the donation went to the conservation of Asian endangered animals in their natural environment, including snow leopards, clouded leopards and Pallas’s cats. In 2019, we had more than 1,000 runners, and 36,000PLN were collected and donated to the conservation projects of European endangered animals (including wolf, pond turtle and bison).