Wolf conservation program in Poland
Species name: GREY WOLF
Scientific name: Canis lupus
Country: Poland
Project website: www.polskiwilk.org.pl
The grey wolf is the largest representative of the canine family found on our continent. After World War II, it was exterminated in Poland. Knowledge about the beneficial effects of the wolf on the environment was losing out to superstitions.
After years of efforts by environmentalists, in 1998 it was placed under protection throughout the country. At that time, only 470 of these predators lived in our lands! The next step in saving the wolf was raising the protection status to total in 2004. This means that killing, maiming, capturing, keeping, destroying burrows and selecting puppies from them is forbidden. Skins and other fragments of dead individuals cannot be stored and sold without proper authorization. In addition, protection zones can be created for them around the breeding sites. The strict protection brought very good results!

Since 2005, there has been an increase in the wolf population in Poland, currently, its number is estimated at about 2,000 individuals. Wolves from Poland migrate to the west of Europe to Germany, and even Denmark and the Netherlands, where they have not been observed for several hundred years! This does not mean that the wolf is saved … The ever-growing human population, the development of cities and roads, road collisions, deforestation, poaching, constantly threaten the wolves.
What we do
We help the Association for Nature “Wolf” in a research project in Bory Dolnośląskie and in an educational campaign aimed at convincing people that wolves are not a threat to humans. It is exactly the opposite …